Thursday, May 22, 2008

Frog Update

Is it the same one?

Frog was spotted in kitchen again. The one we found last night was promptly placed outside in the grass after the photo shoot.

Frog must be waiting by the kitchen door to sneak in when we have to run outside and yell at Lola to shut up when she sees a jogger run by, or a cyclist roll down the street, or a squirrel steal a nut, or a leaf blow in the wind.

I mean it's either that or there's a colony of frogs under the kitchen sink.


Laura Scott said...

I don't know what it is, but I need all your frog friends to come eat all the dadgum fruit flies in our kitchen!!! Could you send a couple of your frogs home with mom and dad??? We will be house sitting for them, and I would gladley pick them up :)

DeeAnne said...

yes my dear, i will gladly send the frog (frogs). we have enough creatures around here. just wait until you hear about the blond dog that showed up tonight.