Friday, November 23, 2007

Rubber Turkey At The Beach

One of the very best reasons to ditch NYC and move to Schmexas is that we will not have to endure anymore horribly cold Thanksgivings.

Oh, snap.

That's right. A no-jacket, clear, blue sky Thanksgiving Day on the Jersey Shore. With lots of family and delicious homemade food. It was even more perfect than a Norman Rockwell
Thanksgiving because in one of those paintings all of the people would be wearing sweaters.

And we didn't have to wear no sweaters.

Here are some of the highlights.


Familie de Geus said...

These Thanksgiving day pictures are priceless.
Forgot to email you yesterday to with you a safe, peaceful trip, but I was thinking of you guys.
Hope all is well and you're settling in nicely.
Get in touch when you can.

DeeAnne said...

hey de gues family! we are on our way! we will certainly miss you, but will check in on you from time to time. keep on bloggin!