Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A Passing (the latest, and seemingly last, Frog Update)

We haven't seen the frog in a few days. His appearances had been regular and, well... appreciated. I mean, it's weird to have a wild frog show up in your kitchen every now and then, but he was harmless. And when he wasn't in our house, he was waiting by our back door.

To make a long story short, Monkey started barking at something in the dirt. I walked over to check it all out. And there, half-covered by dusty Earth and belly-up, was our frog.

I feel strangely sad. He was a regular occurrence for a while. We will miss him.

Oh, I hope he didn't suffer. And I hope he didn't leave any helpless tadpoles behind. Which I doubt, because it's been dry.

We are starting a collection for poor Mrs. Frog. Checks payable to Fricano's Deli c/o Beloved Frog.

1 comment:

Patti said...

I had a pet frog that lived in a pipe in our flower bed when I was 5 years old. Dad ran over him and squashed him flat. I found him on the driveway and cried crocodile tears. Mom and Dad did NOT understand grieving for my frog. I think it marked me for life and left one of my children with a hereditary love for wild frogs.