Monday, August 18, 2008

No Pics

Well,  I really tried to post new photos of Mikah tonight.  But Blogger is not cooperating and continues to give me errors when I try to attach pictures.

I will give you news instead.

The neighbors are arguing.  And because we don't have a privacy fence yet, I get to see Hairy Guy yelling at Barbara Big Hair about when the trash is supposed to go out.  (Names have been changed to protect the somewhat innocent.)

Monkey (real name) has no frogs to hunt at this house so he is digging up snails.  And no, Monkey doesn't suck on them until retrieved (see Things You Might Find In A Baby's Mouth.)

Mikah is in pajamas dreaming about "more tickle".  (Ask me, it's silly.)

Daddy is watching pre-season football on ESPN, wondering how he is going to catch all the Giant's games in Texas.

Deli is great.  Busy as can be.  Order your sandwich by phone and you won't have to wait too long when you come in. 

Wingy still gets an occasional squirt.

Mommy is good.  She's been gardening and making cupcakes and stuff.

So stay tuned for pics.  When Blogger gets its act together, you will see something.

1 comment:

Laura Scott said...

So does he sign for more and giggle in his sleep? Please video!